Currently emiratisation in the UAE’s media industry stands at just a little over 25 per cent.
Ramadan 2013, Gangnam Style and smartphones’ search queries top Google 2013 trending list for the UAE.
Al Jazeera’s interest in Digiturk stems from the pay-TV operator’s access to football rights in the country, sources said.
The newspaper defends its decision to publish the editorial, which accuses Pakistan of betraying the UAE by not supporting Dubai during the Expo 2020 vote.
With 100 per cent client retention and growth nudging 10 per cent, OMD wins top award from Campaign magazine.
Reports claimed Al Jazeera’s office in the Egyptian capital had been raided and security forces arrested 11 Qatari citizens.
Dubai has the required production infrastructure and services to become a global media hub, says study.
Four Qatari police officers were among those arrested, according to a state newspaper.
The Middle East’s largest cinema group has aggressive plans to expand into Qatar and Bahrain in the coming year.
After remaining flat throughout 2013, Middle East ad revenues are expected to rebound in the coming year.
Ahmed Dawood, founder of social media marketing firm for corporates and small businesses Phenomena, shares his top ten tips for companies on social media.
The proceeds of the facility will be used to further grow and strengthen its core business, said OSN.
Private equity firms in the region are considering IPOs in overseas markets such as London as a potential exit route.
A recording application and a good quality microphone are essential tools says James Reynolds, founder of and host of The Traffic Jam Podcast.
The announcement included a new award for students and unveiled the theme for next year’s festival.
With a population of 28.3 million, Saudi Arabia is now the biggest user of YouTube per capita in the world.
It’s about time we all grew up, writes Reda Raad, COO, TBWA\RAAD.
At least 39 journalists were killed and 21 kidnapped in Syria last year by both rebels and government forces.
The channel will feature series and movies from India’s movie hub.
Sheikh Mohammed’s latest book, Flashes of Thought, talks about time management, positive thinking and creativity.
The Kingdom accounts for more than half of the region’s active users on Twitter with 90 per cent preferring to tweet in Arabic.
Sarah Cocker will join Malcolm Taylor in hosting the award-winning breakfast show.
The number of Twitter users in Saudi Arabia nearly doubled in six months to 2.9 million in July 2012, amounting to a little over 10 per cent of the population
Arabian Radio Network has secured the rights to transmit live online and radio coverage of all matches from the top English league.
The Syrian Electronic Army, a hacker group supporting the Syrian government, claimed credit for the attacks.
OSN has announced full ownership of Pehla for an undisclosed amount while it awaits update on an IPO.
The prince said Tareq al-Suwaidan, who has more than 1.9 million Twitter followers, had identified himself as “one of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood”.
Habiba Ahmed Abd Elaziz, who worked with Xpress,had been on leave when she was shot dead.
The benefits and dangers of social media are a package deal as companies continue to embrace social media as a tool for customer communication.
The woman was accused of violating the terms of her work permit and using Twitter to spread misinformation.