Saudi, Spain Sign $8.2bn Rail Deal

The Spanish consortium won the bid to build the second phase of the HHR.

Bearish 2011 For UAE Stock Markets

The value of shares traded reached its lowest level since 2004.

Google Growing In MENA

Gulf Business attends Google’s groupie day in Dubai and chats with managing director, Ari Kesisoglu.

GCC Railways On Track?

Billion-dollar railway projects are finally gaining momentum in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE.

MENA CIOs Enter Boardrooms

Gulf techies are way ahead of their global peers says IBM, as the MENA region pushes for fast growth.

SMEs Fight for Funding

As the UAE climbs into steady recovery, is it any easier for small businesses to access bank lending?

Arabs Target Mining Sector

The region is doubling its mineral production with the aim of creating jobs and digging up new profits.

Gulf Banks Shut Out US Clients

Obama’s intrusive regulations are simply too much trouble.

Dark Clouds Over Lebanese Banks

The turmoil in the Arab region will affect Beirut’s financial sector, says Matein Khalid, fund manager in a royal investment office.

Testing Breakeven Oil Prices

As GCC governments’ budgets soar, so do breakeven oil prices.

Shariah Carbon Credits Planned

Islam could hold the key to turning around the Gulf’s dismal environmental record.

UAE Business Schools Thriving

Students are scrambling to update their CVs amidst economic uncertainty

GCC Flinches At Debt Crisis

The region’s deepest insecurities have once again been exposed by another crisis to emerge from the US and eurozone economies.

GCC Animation Industry Booms

The Middle East is home to a rising entrepreneurial animation movement, fuelled by comic book series, The 99.

Drake & Scull Pushes Into Asia

Amid the Dubai real estate meltdown, UAE contractor Drake & Scull International is chasing growth in Saudi Arabia and Asia.

Jordan And Morocco To Join The GCC?

The Arab spring has reignited interest in Jordan and Morroco joining the GCC but not all the member countries agree.

Counterfeiting: A Dangerous Game

As the region drowns in fake goods, fraudster gangs are endangering the local economy, creativity and safety.

The Long Road For Revolution

Can the Gulf help support other Arab nations in the midst of change?

MENA Healthcare Soars

The regional pharmaceutical and healthcare industry is set to boom with a new $125 billion investment injection.

Independence Day

The region welcomes its first non-executive director ‘match-making’ service as it strengthens corporate governance regulation.

Dancing With The Dragon

China has overtaken the US as the Gulf’s top import partner. Angela Guiffrida discovers that a growing trust and a genuine need for goods is set to exacerbate the $350 billion love-in between the two regions.