Predictions 2017: Dr Azad Moopen, Aster DM Healthcare chairman and MD

There’s still a lot of untapped potential for technology in the healthcare sector

Predictions 2017: Mohamed Al Ramahi, Masdar CEO

Renewable energy is expected to become even more competitive and widely adopted in 2017

How your firm can get health insurance overuse in the UAE under control

Insurance premiums across the UAE are going up by around 20 per cent year-on-year

Predictions 2017: Mohammed Amin, Dell EMC SVP and regional manager

It is imperative to modernise user experiences, empower new ways of working and innovative decision making

What can we expect from world markets in 2017?

Michael Hasenstab, chief investment officer of Templeton Global Macro, looks at how emerging markets across the world might perform in 2017

Why a better understanding of breast cancer is needed in the UAE

It’s important for employers to have an insurance policy that gives staff the best possible breast cancer package

Five ways UAE banks can profit from digital advertising

Many ad campaigns get lost in the phenomenon known as “banner blindness”

DarkMatter CEO on why auditors and hackers need to sit around the same table

Faisal Al Bannai explains why hackers could be the key to a more secure business

Why sustainable business is key to organisational growth

A sustainable strategy needs to be multi-pronged to have any effect

Why team building is crucial for GCC companies

Team building activities go a long way in achieving better workplace relationships

How the Gulf construction industry can rebuild in 2017

David Clifton explains how the region’s construction market can recover from a difficult 2016

Which defence mechanisms do you use?

Life coach Maryam Ghouth looks at the reasons we use defence mechanisms, why some can be positive, and how to adapt them in order to improve relationships

Harnessing young unicorn companies in the Gulf

For every Careem there are hundreds of start-ups that still fail to even get an audience in front of regional investors

Dubai reveals new holiday home regulation

Top three ways new businesses can succeed in Dubai

Up to 80 per cent of new companies fail in the first 18 months

Winning in the age of commoditisation— three imperatives for GCC players

Bjorn Ewers reveals how Gulf companies can rethink their strategies to make the most of commoditisation

How businesses can benefit by considering our wellbeing

Amelia Kallman discusses why it’s prudent for companies to lead the way in integrated wellness

Why UAE firms hiring expats need to be careful

Expatriate workers offer value but a bad hire can have serious consequences

GCC retailers can’t afford to sell out to DDoS

Srinivasan CR explains why it’s so important for retailers to fight cyber attacks

Iran: A nascent start-up ecosystem on the rise

Sara Mohammadi explains why there are big things ahead for Iran’s start-ups

FinTech: where the smart money is going

Andrew Johnston reveals why banks and other finance-based companies can’t afford to avoid the FinTech boom

Why certain passports have more visa-free options

Last year, around 61 per cent of the world’s population had to get a visa before travelling internationally

The rise of social media in the workplace

Sanjay Modi discusses the rise of social media in the workplace

The importance of employment screening

James Randall looks at how employment screening can help recruit the best candidates and minimise risk

How to achieve your health and fitness goals

Tim Garrett takes us inside the psychology of goal achievement

Google ‘daydreams’ of strong growth in Middle East’s VR market

The virtual reality market in the Middle East and Africa is set to top $6bn in 2020

Three cash tools that are essential in running your business

Mike Hoff reveals three easy ways to keep on top of your cash flow

Why we form judgements

Life Coach Maryam Ghouth explores the cause and the cure to judgements

How technology has transformed ransom demands

Wolfgang Kandek explains how to protect yourself from ransomware

Why UAE firms should hire an occupational health specialist

Companies can expect significant savings across the board

Preparation is key as VAT looms in the GCC

Chris Williams looks ahead to the arrival of value added tax, and what you can do to prepare for it