How to measure the greenness of finance

Green bonds are gaining traction in the Middle East

How HR departments in the GCC can bring more value to businesses

HR departments must shift from a reactive to a proactive function

GCC start-ups set to drive healthcare innovation

The regional healthcare market has been long overdue a revamp

Why sustainability is important for SMEs in the UAE

Here are some of the most common mistake companies make when they want to embrace sustainability

Should you regularly change health insurance brokers in the UAE?

There are plenty of registered insurance brokers in the UAE, so there are several options

Want to lead with innovation?

Colin Price explains how organisations can mobilise, execute and transform with agility

The CIO: The vital link for traditional businesses to be future-ready

Farid Al Sabbagh highlights the importance of having a chief information officer at your company

The future of e-commerce in the UAE

Ulugbek Yuldashev outlines the changes on the horizon for the UAE’s online shopping market

Tips to keep health insurance costs down in the UAE

Health insurance premiums are rising strongly in the country

Three ways businesses can limit their legal exposure in the UAE

Businesses should be careful to limit their exposure to a litigation in the event a dispute does arise

The damaging effects of excessive smartphone use at work

Hours lost to smartphone usage impact productivity and health at the workplace

Three security lessons from the WannaCry ransomware attack

Business leaders need to appreciate the importance of security updates

Why Gulf mergers and acquisitions are back on the rise

Zeid Hanania and Nadim Kayyali discuss the return of M&As and why we can expect to see more activity in Africa in the coming years

The trouble with team building

Author and business coach Dawn Metcalfe explains her problem with team building events, and why you should think twice about holding one

Event planning: Five strategy mistakes that lose you money

With costs going up more quickly than budgets, the picture is a challenging one for anyone involved in events

How does the rise of Tesla impact cyber security?

Auto companies are increasingly plugged into cyber threats

The US electronics ban – what it means when you travel from Dubai

The current ban on carry-on electronics on flights to the US means a time-consuming process for passengers

What kind of news does a financial broker in the UAE need to read?

You need to keep up with the hard data, but you also need to stay abreast of industry insights, opinion and commentary

Elevating corporate governance standards in the Gulf

Stuart Anderson discusses the ways in which meaningful long-term change can be made to corporate governance in the Gulf

Looking beyond salary structures in the GCC

It is important to sustain employee engagement in the workplace

Why CEO involvement in employee benefits can boost company health in UAE

A CEO who is heavily involved in his/her company’s benefits plan can have a strong influence on how cost-effective it is

How the UAE immigration landscape impacts business mobility

Murtaza Khan discusses the role of immigration regulation in developing strong foundations for business

The Internet of Things: How it can change cities in the UAE

As technological development continues to gather pace, IoT can enhance the exchange of ideas, transactions and services

The growth of green bonds in the Middle East

Here’s how green financing could develop throughout 2017

How can telecom operators build consumer trust?

Telecommunication companies can use design to build trust among consumers

How to curb soaring inpatient costs in the UAE

Inpatient spending in the GCC is estimated to grow from $16.4bn in 2015 to $28.9bn in 2020

How Emirati companies can stay competitive in a challenging economic climate

Abdulla Al Gurg reveals how companies from the UAE can compete at a global level and strengthen the local economy in the process

Dubai’s new standard tenancy contract: Points to consider

The new standard contract became mandatory from March 1, 2017

Succession planning: chalking out the future of your family business

Summit Ahuja, partner at Just Legal consultancy, explains how family businesses can avoid a chaotic transition from one generation to the next

How to manage your exposure to the FX market

FX Options helps investors to balance risks in their portfolio