Abu Dhabi Financial Group’s Jassim Alseddiqi explains why the firm will continue investing in London property following the Brexit vote
PR agencies must form strategic partnerships for their own good as well as that of their clients
GE helped create infrastructure for the Rio Olympics and is confident it can contribute to the GCC’s upcoming mega events
Tips for HR managers to implement a successful wellness programme at the workplace
The Dubai-based CEO reveals how she balances entrepreneurship with her social life
Ahmad Waarie details his journey of working in HR roles across the world
Life coach Maryam Ghouth examines the cause, effect and remedies for rejection
The UAE ranks high among the most socially progressed nations in the region
Dubai is feeling some waves from a few macro-economic shifts, but a recession is nowhere close
Dubai and Abu Dhabi are expected to be home to seven new theme parks by 2020
Arab Angel Fund founder Kyle Hendrick explores how Gulf investors can make the most of the United States’ tech start-up scene
Sani Şener, group CEO of Turkish airport construction company TAV Group, discusses the company’s future plans
Noor Sweid talks inspiration, investing in growth-stage companies and why it is important for women to be in leadership roles
A high profile event in Madrid highlighted the growing ambitions of European countries in the realm of Islamic finance
Decriminalising medical malpractice could potentially create a better balance within the UAE’s healthcare system
The recent fire at the high-rise Sulafa Tower in Dubai Marina brought back focus to the issue
Per-Ola Karlsson looks at how gulf firms can expand without falling victim to commonplace difficulties
With the grand opening of IMG Worlds of Adventure on the horizon, chief executive officer Lennard Otto explains what people can expect
Alasdair Murdoch, the CEO of Gourmet Burger Kitchen talks turning the brand around, its global and regional expansion plans and acquisition rumours
The opening up of the Saudi stock market to qualified foreign investors presents some potentially interesting challenges
Here are some key ways to become a champion in the workplace
Gem specialists are keen to play up rare diamonds as “safety” investments
From shopping to relaxing, the airport offers several options for transit passengers
United States, China and Turkey are top the source countries for cyber attacks
The former monopoly is hoping its new brand will give it an edge in Saudi Arabia’s booming youth market
Fragrance queen Jo Malone charts her return to the market after selling the business that bears her name
Dave Tredinnick explains how oil firms are using automation to improve profitability and details Emerson’s expansion plans
The French hotel operator took over FRHI Hotels & Resorts in a landmark deal this week
A drop in oil prices this year suggests that hydrocarbon-funded SWFs are under pressure
During her time as home secretary, Theresa May has fostered relations with several Middle Eastern nations