Outbound passengers travelling to Abu Dhabi airport from other emirates within the UAE do not require to undergo a Covid-19 test to enter the emirate
SMBC Nikko’s overseas operations earned $143m before taxes in the year ended March
Test results must be presented via the Alhosn app or text messages from any UAE-based hospital or screening centre that is affiliated with the National Screening Programme
All previous exemptions granted to employees in federal entities will be cancelled except for those with chronic diseases
Showers, saunas, changing rooms and prayer rooms are not to be used
Children below 12 will be allowed to enter commercial centres and restaurants across the country
If successful, the vaccine could enter the market by the end of 2020 or early 2021
A consortium of investors will collectively acquire a 49 per cent stake in ADNOC Gas Pipeline Assets
Guests will understand their individual probability of having contracted the virus alongside advisories and recommendations
The $232bn fund is looking at India, China and Southeast Asia for potential investments
However, movement between the different regions within the emirate will be permitted beginning from June 23
Abu Dhabi’s ITC urged drivers to use electronic payment methods to pay the fees
The certification will cover malls, theme parks, restaurants and public spaces too
The decision was discussed during a recent meeting of The Education and Human Resources Council
There was one new death reported too on Saturday
Mubadala may also dispose of some residential buildings in the United Arab Emirates’ capital
Travel will be permitted to specific destinations and for pre-determined categories of people starting June 23
In case a food handler contracts the virus, the establishment must be closed
The investment firm could raise more than $3bn through a five-year loan
The emirate extended its movement ban by another week starting June 16
The UAE has already embarked on an ambitious space exploration strategy
The 16-slice mobile CT scanner can evaluate patients who have contracted Covid-19 and assess the possibility of pneumonia, a common side effect of the viral infection
The categories of people allowed to travel along with the approved destinations will be announced at a later date
Entry and exit from the emirate as well as movement between the different regions inside it will remain suspended
Visitor occupancy must not exceed 40 per cent of the total capacity at these facilities
It has collaborated with South Korean vertical farming tech company n.thing
The automated “Chatbot” service will allow citizens to get answers to the most common questions about the virus and home isolation recommendations from the health department
The airline plans to resume operations to over 40 destinations worldwide in July
The new measures will be in place until the end of June after which it will be reviewed
The startup also plans to invest in upskilling its freelancers and SME service providers to help them garner more opportunities