Top 3 security tips for Middle East businesses to prevent cyberattacks
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Top 3 security tips for Middle East businesses to prevent cyberattacks

Top 3 security tips for Middle East businesses to prevent cyberattacks

Microbyte has urged businesses to be vigilant of threats posed by cyberattacks, emphasising the importance to invest in a robust infrastructure system for their day-to-day operations

Gulf Business
Middle East cyberattacks

With the widespread use of technology continuing to bring an increase in cybercrime and the Middle East region establishing itself as a key market for business, trade and tourism, companies of all sizes are facing constant challenges to stop these sophisticated cyberattacks. Microbyte, an ICT security service provider has shared three valuable tips that companies should follow:

Don’t rely on cloud providers to protect your data
Cloud platforms such as Google or Microsoft 365 are popular choices for businesses who can benefit from a range of factors including unparalleled convenience, reliability, scalability, and unlimited storage capacity.

However, users should not rely solely on these platforms to protect their data because if any key information or documents are corrupted, encrypted or deleted, either in a cyberattack or by accident, the data will be lost forever unless it was backed up.

Additionally, tools that are part of clouds should be configured properly and overseen by an experienced team of ICT technicians that understand security and know how to protect users and data.

Improving staff’s knowledge on the potential impact of cyberattacks
Each member of staff should undertake training so they are familiar with how to use software and technology tools that will be part of their day-to-day roles while being alert and understanding the importance of how data should be managed and stored.

Invest in a ICT service provider
With technology advancing at such a rapid rate and hackers finding sophisticated ways to obtain data through different platforms, business owners should consider hiring an ICT service provider that oversees its operations.

It is vital that they appoint an organisation that understands the business and not just focuses on technology as they have the knowledge and expertise to build strong and secured networks that can help prevent the risk of data being stolen.

Yusuf Yeganeh, managing director of Microbyte, said: “We are living in a period where technology is constantly at our fingertips with the majority of our everyday tasks being done through digital platforms. While it makes our lives much easier, we should not forget that cyberattacks are continuing to increase at a rapid pace and anyone could be impacted.

“You never know when your system will be attacked, therefore it is vital to plan carefully and be one step ahead otherwise it could have major consequences for your business.”

Read: Not just defensive: Cybersecurity as an enabler for business

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