The platform utilises AI to relieve students of extra mental labour, personalise learning materials based on individual learning styles, and provide valuable insights to educators
The bilateral trade between the two countries consisted of imports valued at Dhs25.2bn, while exports and re-exports were valued at approximately Dhs4.2bn
The agreement will serve as a catalyst to increase and diversify bilateral trade by substantially eliminating tariffs, reducing non-tariff trade barriers and promoting trade
Jessica Wong, managing partner at eWTP Arabia Capital looks at how Saudi Arabia is uniquely placed to leapfrog innovation hurdles and build businesses with global impact
The country’s legal and attractive tax system make it a desirable locale for international companies, institutional investors and high-net-worth individuals
Looking ahead, our efforts and investments across the upstream, midstream and downstream segments of the business will continue to drive our strategy in 2023 and beyond
Louay Dahmash, senior director at Autodesk, talks about the company’s vision to create real, meaningful impact with its technology and accelerate industry transformation
With the increase in the cyberthreat landscape, urgent action is needed by businesses to develop more robust strategies, says Emmanuel de Roquefeuil, VP, Thales – Middle East