Dr Adnan Chilwan | Gulf Business
Mega Movers and Shakers

Dr Adnan Chilwan

Group CEO, Dubai Islamic Bank

Dr Adnan Chilwan has over two decades of experience in both conventional and Islamic banking, and he currently serves as the group CEO of Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB), the world’s first Sharia-compliant bank and the largest Islamic bank in the UAE.

Under his leadership, DIB has amassed group assets exceeding $75bn, a market capitalisation of nearly $11bn, and employs over 9,000 people across a vast network of branches and entities in the UAE and internationally across Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.

Dr Chilwan holds key positions on various strategic boards and subsidiaries of DIB. His extensive career includes roles such as head of Strategic Products and Marketing at Commercial Bank PSQC, senior manager of Retail Banking at Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank, vice president at Mashreq Bank, and head of the Marketing Department at Qatar Islamic Bank.

His academic journey includes an undergraduate degree from Madurai Kamaraj University and a doctorate from the American University of London. He holds a PhD and an MBA in Marketing, is a certified Islamic banker (CeIB), a post graduate in Islamic banking and insurance, and an associate fellow member with the Islamic Finance Professionals Board.

Currently, he serves as an independent director at Deyaar Development, chairman at DIB Bank Kenya, and president commissioner at PT Bank Panin Dubai Syariah Tbk.

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