Dubai launches new platform to focus on cyber threats
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Dubai launches new platform to focus on cyber threats

Dubai launches new platform to focus on cyber threats

The initiative will tackle cyber threats

Gulf Business

Dubai Electronic Security Centre (DESC) has launched a new platform to find solutions to cyber threats.

The ‘Dubai Cyber Think Tank’ will allow private and public sector companies to brainstorm, conduct research, discuss solutions and make recommendations.

“It aims to build a co-ordinative platform to synergise and liaise the ideas, viewpoints and propositions between DESC and other Dubai public departments and organisations,” said Jassim Mohammed, security operations manager, DESC.

The platform will conduct regular meetings and monthly workshops.

“These initiatives help us make remarkable progress in realising the Dubai government’s vision to develop policies that aim to solve electronic security challenges and build a secure and resilient cyberspace,” Mohammed said.

According to UAE’s telecoms authority, over 200 cyber attacks against government and private sector entities were reported in the first eight months of 2019, local media reported.

DESC was launched in 2017 by UAE’s Vice President, Prime Minister and Dubai’s Ruler, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, when he unveiled a cyber security strategy for Dubai.

Read: Dubai’s ruler launches new cyber security strategy

A study earlier this year by IBM revealed that 31 per cent of UAE and Saudi firms were not prepared for cyber attacks, lacking a cybersecurity incident response plan. Meanwhile 49 per cent of the organisations that did have a plan did not test them regularly, leaving them less prepared for any eventuality. The survey highlighted that 72 per cent of the respondents rated their difficulty as moderately high to high in hiring and retaining apt cybersecurity personnel.

Read more: Cyber security is everybody’s business


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