#World Youth Skills Day

Heriot-Watt University career path

Mapping the path from a classroom to a career

Navigating youth employment challenges requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses a widening skills gap and a lack of experience while providing innovative solutions to socio-economic barriers

Erich Dietrich from NYU AD

Transforming youth skills for the future at NYUAD

Highlighting the importance of World Youth Skills Day, Erich Dietrich, academic director of the Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Community Programs, NYU Abu Dhabi, sheds light on how the university is promoting leadership and critical thinking skills among its students

Raj Sharma Heriot-Watt University

Interview: What do employers look for in the youth of today?

Marking the importance of World Youth Skills Day, Rajinder Kumar Sharma, head of Global College for the Degree Entry Programme at Heriot-Watt University Dubai, tells us how universities can enhance students’ access to job opportunities

How UAE University is fostering skill development among students

Marking World Youth Skills Day, the United Arab Emirates University highlights the national strategic vision to support Emirati youth