Behavioural biometrics can help financial businesses authenticate users without purchasing any extra hardware or negatively affecting their user experience
Equal career opportunities, equal pay, a flexible work environment and positive work culture are some of the aspects that attract women to enter tech jobs
Being cyber resilient ensures an organisation’s ability to mitigate damage, recover and continue business processes in the face of an adverse cyber event
Until cybersecurity in the metaverse is strengthened with specific regulations measures, users should be informed of the potential risks associated with using the platform
Online shopping has seen a massive uptick and this growth has attracted new cyberthreats, with scammers taking advantage of unsuspecting shoppers in a various ways
Employees trust robots in performing ordinary tasks such as cleaning, but are less willing to trust them with life critical functions such as performing surgeries
By providing market access, stimulating inbound investment and generating international trade, events can contribute to delivering significant economic stimulus to a country
Healthcare is one of the key industries targetted for data breaches and last year saw the greatest number of incidents, with 45 million people affected globally
At Kaspersky’s annual Cyber Security Weekend – META, its experts discussed various topics and threats specifically facing enterprises, businesses and industrial organisations