Saudi Arabia lifts restrictions on cinemas, gyms and restaurants
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Saudi Arabia lifts restrictions on cinemas, gyms and restaurants

Saudi Arabia lifts restrictions on cinemas, gyms and restaurants

Most of the Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted starting Sunday, March 7

Gulf Business
Saudi Arabia

On March 7, Saudi Arabia lifted the extensive closures it enforced on gyms, restaurant and malls as well as entertainment activities to contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

On February 4, officials decided to suspend all entertainment activities and events, as well as to close cinemas, restaurants, cafes, shopping malls, gyms and sports centres for 10 days, after which it was extended for another 20 days.

Read: Saudi Arabia suspends events, weddings; shuts down malls, restaurants, gyms

However, on March 5, an official source at the Ministry of Interior confirmed that most of the restrictions would be lifted starting Sunday, March 7.

Entertainment activities are allowed to resume, while  cinemas and indoor entertainment centers, independent indoor games’ venues, shopping centers, gyms and sports centers, restaurants and cafés have all been permitted to reopen.

However, there will be an ongoing suspension on all events and parties which includes weddings, corporate meetings and the like, in banquet halls and independent wedding halls or those within hotels, as well as in rental rest houses and camps, until further notice. Also, a maximum of 20 people are allowed to gather at any social events.

The source at the interior ministry stressed the need for everyone to adhere to these measures, including the continued distribution of prayers at funerals in cemeteries at all times of the day, and not to be complacent in the application of precautionary measures and protocols for all activities.

Inspection campaigns will be intensified during the upcoming period to ensure that all individuals and establishments are adhering to the precautionary measures during this reopening phase, with violators being subjected to fines.

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