Insights: Empowering local talent to shape Dubai's future
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Insights: Empowering local talent to shape Dubai’s economy

Insights: Empowering local talent to shape Dubai’s economy

We need more domestic craftsmanship and innovation to shape Dubai’s economic, cultural and aesthetic future

Gulf Business
Empowering local talent to build Dubai's future amis properties _Getty Images

Dubai’s ascent as a global metropolis is undeniable. Its iconic skyline, a testament to ambition and engineering prowess, continues to captivate the world. As the city looks towards the future, a critical question emerges: how can Dubai ensure its economic and aesthetic development remains not just impressive, but culturally relevant too?

The answer lies in a strategic shift towards a future where domestic craftsmanship and innovation go hand in hand. This is not a call to abandon Dubai’s bold spirit; it’s a call to refine it. The aim is to foster a future where the emirate’s architectural identity is not just globally inspired, but also deeply rooted in local talent and innovation.

Empowering local craftsmanship

Dubai’s architectural landscape is dominated by glass, steel, and record-breaking heights. While these structures have placed the city on the map, a focus solely on grandeur risks overlooking the importance of fostering a distinct architectural identity.

One way forward is to support local architects through grants and competitions. Nurturing homegrown talent will lead to designs that are more attuned to the region’s cultural heritage and climatic conditions.

Imagine iconic structures that seamlessly blend the innovative spirit of Dubai with traditional elements like the windcatcher, or Malqaf, for natural ventilation. A fusion of this nature would not only create a more unique aesthetic but also demonstrate a commitment to environmental responsibility.

Enhancing educational and research initiatives in architecture and urban development

As Dubai evolves, investing in educational and research initiatives in architecture and urban development can play a pivotal role in shaping its future.

Establishing specialised programmes and research centres dedicated to sustainable design, innovative construction techniques, and urban planning will equip future generations with the knowledge and skills needed to drive progress. Collaboration between universities, research institutions, and industry professionals can foster a culture of continuous learning and innovation, ensuring that new ideas and solutions tailored to Dubai’s unique environment are constantly explored.

Moreover, creating partnerships with international institutions can facilitate the exchange of knowledge and best practices, positioning Dubai as a global leader in architectural education and research. Offering scholarships and grants to Emirati students and researchers focusing on sustainable architecture and urban development will encourage the exploration of new ideas.

Fostering a culture of disruption

Dubai has established itself as a hub for business and tourism. The next step is to create an ecosystem that nurtures innovation within the real estate sector itself. This can be achieved by establishing dedicated innovation hubs for local startups and tech entrepreneurs focused on propelling the sector forward.

These hubs could provide co-working spaces, access to venture capital, and mentorship from industry leaders. Imagine a space where architects collaborate with engineers on using AI for building optimisation, or where designers explore integrating virtual reality experiences into real estate projects.

Integrating digital creativity with physical spaces

The burgeoning art scene in Dubai is evident. The city can further bridge the gap between the physical and digital realms by integrating digital art installations into real estate developments. Picture interactive murals that respond to their surroundings, or the incorporation of augmented reality experiences that enhance the user experience within buildings.

Such an approach creates a more dynamic and stimulating urban environment, positioning Dubai as a leader in the convergence of art, technology, and real estate.

A city shaped by vision

Dubai’s future holds immense potential. Through elevating local craftsmanship and innovation, the city ensures its economic success goes hand in hand with a thriving cultural identity.

Achieving such a transformation requires a collaborative effort from architects, engineers, policymakers, artists, and entrepreneurs. By working together, Dubai can redefine its cityscape and leverage its strengths to build a future that’s not just awe-inspiring but also fosters a rich cultural heritage.

The writer is the founder and CEO of AMIS Properties.

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