Commute time reduced: Dubai drivers to benefit from Al Ain road upgrade
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Commute time reduced: Dubai drivers to benefit from Al Ain road upgrade

Commute time reduced: Dubai drivers to benefit from Al Ain road upgrade

The road development aims to improve traffic flow and significantly reduce commute times for drivers heading to both Al Ain and Dubai.


Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has executed a series of traffic enhancements on the Dubai-Al Ain Road near the Al-Faqa area.

According to a report by RTA, the improvements on this route include the construction of an additional exit on Dubai-Al Ain Road towards Al Ain at Exit 58, leading to the U-turn tunnel before the Al-Faqa area.

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The road development aims to improve traffic flow and significantly reduce commute times for drivers heading to both Al Ain and Dubai.

The authority has made these enhancements to streamline traffic flow and cut down on travel time for vehicles heading towards both Al Ain City and Dubai.

“A new roundabout has also been constructed to improve entry and exit from the existing tunnel and enhance U-turn movements on the road, along with a 600-meter acceleration lane for vehicles exiting towards Al Ain, ensuring a seamless merge into the main traffic flow,” said Hamad Al Shehhi, Director of Roads at the Traffic and Roads Agency at RTA.

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These upgrades have not only eased congestion at Exit 58 but have also greatly benefited residents and visitors of the Hind and Al-Faqa communities. The improvements have improved access for farm owners and workers in the vicinity.

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