TikTok's Aref Yehia on how F&B brands leverage the platform
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TikTok’s Aref Yehia on how F&B brands leverage the platform

TikTok’s Aref Yehia on how F&B brands leverage the platform

The head of Business Partnerships for Retail and E-Commerce shares how F&B brands are using the social media platform to enhance their marketing efforts

Neesha Salian
Aref Yehia-Head-of-Retail-E-Commerce-at-TikTok-MENA

Ipsos’ ‘TikTok Made Me’ report reveals that three in five users engage with F&B content on TikTok regularly. What types of food and beverage (F&B) content tend to perform best on the platform in the kingdom and UAE?

Authenticity and creativity are the “bread and butter” for content creators and brands in Saudi Arabia and UAE. Short-form videos of recipes, nutritional and health-related tips, pricing information, reviews and advice from experts, and cooking challenges perform very well on the platform.

We’ve also observed that high-quality videos with engaging content from trusted creators enjoying F&B products tend to perform exceptionally well. Any exclusive promotion and educational content that generates useful comments from other viewers trend high.

According to the report, seven in 10 users report making purchases influenced by F&B videos. What features of TikTok contribute most to this high conversion rate?

A unique insight that the Ipsos report unveils is the power of the comment sections in driving consumer action in Saudi Arabia and UAE: 41 per cent report that they took action based on comments from other users. It reinforces the value of credibility and social proof, especially in an incredibly diverse sector such as F&B.

While the community has always been a core driver of consumer action for the industry, TikTok’s comments section allows for accessible customer testimonials which build trust, making it easier for people to make the right purchase.

How can F&B brands in Saudi Arabia and UAE leverage the platform to not only increase brand awareness but also drive actual sales?

Consumer action is driven by inspiration and emotion – and on TikTok, the Ipsos report showed that 96 per cent of users took action within a week of seeing F&B or cooking-related content, with 45 per cent doing so immediately after exposure on TikTok.

Brands can achieve this by creating genuine and relatable content. The ones that shine on TikTok are constantly experimenting with different formats like live cooking shows, behind-the-scenes peeks, and collaborating with trusted creators for exclusive promotions and giveaways.

Educational content like tips and nutritional advice also helps build trust and authority. Likewise, we see great engagement in user-generated content and real reviews because our community loves hearing from each other.

The key here is to create content that inspires an emotion-whether it’s through humour, relatability, or education if it is genuine, consumer action will follow.

Could you provide examples of successful F&B campaigns on the platform in Saudi Arabia and UAE? W

KitKat ran a TikTok campaign in Saudi Arabia to appeal to the creative, bold, and independent youth of the kingdom.

The campaign wanted to make these young audiences feel like they could “own” the infamous KitKat break. KitKat partnered with top creators from Saudi Arabia to give the campaign a local twist. The goal was to spark a conversation/debate on the best way to enjoy a Kitkat. As the campaign progressed, it became clear that everyone had their way of enjoying a KitKat bar. And it wasn’t long before other creators and users were chiming in with their videos of eating a KitKat their way. There were even some heated and humorous arguments that took place in the comment section. It was a brilliant campaign that not only reached more than 14 million unique users but lifted in-store sales by a staggering 5.2 per cent.

What made this campaign effective is its use of authentic voices through creators, but also its word-of-mouth element. People were encouraged to comment and debate their ways of eating KitKat and create duets of each other’s videos, which made the conversation feel organic and credible.

How can brands use the platform’s features, such as live streaming and influencer partnerships, to enhance their marketing efforts?

These features can boost marketing efforts by allowing brands to engage directly with their audiences in an interactive way. In the UAE, live-streaming makes viewers feel like they are having a real-time chat with the brand, and they can get up close through product showcases and Q&A sessions.

Similarly, partnerships with well-known and relatable creators can elevate their recall efforts. Brands can weave their narratives and values into a creator’s content, creating advice-related videos that evoke a deep connection. This helps build a loyal community of customers.

What role does user-generated content play in the success of F&B brands on the platform? How can brands encourage and utilise this type of content effectively?

User-generated content (UGC), when organically integrated within a marketing strategy, can be a game-changer for F&B brands. It steers the content away from manicured curation and injects relatability, making brands feel more accessible. People tend to trust reviews and experiences from fellow users, and brands should leverage that.

To encourage UGC, brands can start challenges, ask for reviews, or run contests that inspire creativity. Highlighting this content shows appreciation and allows users to be vested in your story.

When people see their contributions recognised, they are more likely to continue engaging, sharing, and helping spread the brand’s message. In addition, our TikTok Pulse ad solution allows for brand content to appear after the platform’s most premium content in-feed. With Pulse suite, you can place ads after the top 4 per cent of brand-suitable trending content or content from premium publishers that meet the brand advertising goals and needs.

A great example of the impact of UGC is the recent viral ‘super-chunky chocolate bar’ by Fix Dessert Chocolatier – a Dubai-based company that became a global hit within a few weeks.

People are posting ASMR videos, their reactions to the bars, or even recreations of the recipe – and the impact of this UGC is incredible. The owners’ orders went from single digits to 500, which just shows the power of entertaining and credible content on business results.

The report highlights that 80 per cent of consumers in MENAT are influenced to purchase after watching TikTok content. What does this say about the power of digital platforms in shaping consumer behaviour in the region?

Digital platforms are where a lot of conversations start and sustain, which implies that people pay more attention to these platforms compared to other media based on their ability to entertain, educate, and create communities. This is what allows digital platforms to influence consumer behaviour in the MENAT region – as it provides an opportunity for brands to create trustworthy and authentic content amid real conversations.

Platforms, where users can be their authentic selves and share real-life situations, experiences, and recommendations, are ideal for building brand loyalty and meaningful connections that result in purchases.

How do you see consumer preferences in Saudi Arabia and UAE evolving with the influence of TikTok and similar platforms?

Looking ahead, I believe authenticity will continue to be at the core of the experience. We are witnessing the advent of passion over popularity and where offering people a voice and a stage is exposing us to the great diversity of thought that this world has to offer.

We’ve opened a window to the world that lets everyone discover interesting people, places, products, and ideas. This drive for passion over popularity has allowed not just diversity of thought but also the emergence of unique self-expression.

We see this every day where people’s niche interests and personalities shine through.

Beyond the F&B sector, what other industries in the MENAT region are seeing significant impacts from TikTok, according to the ‘TikTok Made Me’ report?

Beyond the F&B sector, several other industries in the MENAT region are experiencing similar significant impacts on our platform. In the travel industry, one in two users in the kingdom saw travel-related videos influencing their travel plans. In the entertainment sector, three in five users in Saudi Arabia watched entertainment-related videos, discovering and sharing new content.

The automotive industry also saw a significant impact, with 90 per cent of users taking action within a week after viewing car videos, including seeking reviews and engaging with dealerships. This is a reassuring sign for brands as it indicates that their approach to authentic storytelling is making an impact on their audiences.

How does the platform help brands across different sectors connect with their audiences meaningfully?

We have many tools that help brands engage directly with audiences. We find that this strengthens consumers’ connection to a brand and drives real-world results. We’re continuing to focus on supporting marketers with a suite of tools that help them develop and quickly upgrade their content:
▪ Creative Center allows marketers to gain insights into today’s latest trend data, music, and insights.
▪ Creator Marketplace allows marketers to find the right creator for collaborations.
▪ Creative Exchange Allows marketers to find professional certified creative service providers to produce video ads with end-to-end support.
▪ Creative Tools allow marketers to easily, effectively, and efficiently make creatives for TikTok with tools including Video Editor, Video Templates and Creative Assistant.
▪ Our newest tool, TikTok Symphony, powered by generated AI, allows marketers to make content creation easier than ever.

What future trends do you foresee in digital marketing, particularly on social media platforms like TikTok, that brands should be aware of?

Earlier this year, we released our Whats Next report that answers this question exactly. Our What’s Next report shows three trends that marketers should be aware of:

Curiosity peaked: Users flock to TikTok out of curiosity about their world, popular culture, trends, and brands. There have never been more options to discover new ideas or things, but it’s also never been more taxing to find relevant answers. For brands, this means creating hyper-relevant, delightful, and useful content that piques every curiosity, even the ones communities didn’t know they had.

Storytelling unhinged: Communities are making up fictional celebrities and narratives (see: #delulu a blend of fantasy and manifestation – adopting a fake-it-til-you-make-it persona). What brands need to keep in mind is that it’s the most intriguing narrative structures that guide viewers past the first few seconds and deeper into the story. In the UAE and Saudi Arabia, TikTok ads intended to make users curious are proven to keep them watching 1.4x longer.

Bridging the trust gap: Brands still need to build trust as consumers look for brands to lead positive societal change and transparency. For brands, it’s key to consider each campaign and organic piece of content as an opportunity to share, listen, and learn, building brand trust and values together to generate deeper loyalty on and off-platform.

Brands that consistently capture global curiosities, reimagine traditional storytelling, and build trust with their audiences will see the most success.

What advice would you give to new F&B entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia and UAE looking to leverage TikTok for their business growth?

We are already seeing a wave of creativity from new F&B entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia and the UAE on our platform.

Our advice is to highlight your values and tell your unique story in ways that will make your audience engage with it and come back for more.

TikTok offers numerous tools and resources for marketers to bring their creativity and ideas to life. Show behind-the-scenes glimpses of your kitchen, host live sessions, share recipes, and feature customer reviews – the sky’s the limit. Don’t be afraid to showcase the personality and passion behind your brand.

And the best thing is that this can happen across different stages of the conversion funnel. By making smart investments across the full funnel that align with your business goals, you can not only find creative ways for audiences to be aware of your brand but also fresh, authentic ways to help them make the right purchasing decision.

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