Home Covid-19 UAE: Rules eased at commercial establishments; vaccinations remain mandatory to enter events Shopping centres, restaurants and cafés can now operate at 80 per cent of their capacity by Varun Godinho August 9, 2021 The UAE’s National Emergency Crisis and Disasters Management Authority (NCEMA) issued an updated set of precautionary guidelines on Sunday, August 8, with regards permitted operating capacities at commercial establishments including restaurants, cinemas and malls, as well as attendance to events. The NCEMA said that shopping centres, restaurants and cafés can now operate at 80 per cent of their capacity, with the seating limit increased to 10 people per table. However, face masks are mandatory when moving through such establishments. Hotels can resume operating at full capacity, while implementing precautionary measures, including physical distancing and ensuring the use face masks. Cinemas, recreational facilities, galleries and museums can also now operate at 80 per cent of their capacity, while the capacity for events is capped at 60 percent, provided that social distancing, face masks and regular sanitisation guidelines are still observed. Meanwhile, the NCEMA raised the capacity at weddings and event halls to 60 per cent, provided the number of attendees per event does not exceed 300 and all preventive measures are implemented. Public transportation across the country will also operate at 75 per cent capacity, with physical distancing markings applied and face masks worn by everyone using the public transport. #الطوارئ_والأزمات: تحديث الاجراءات الاحترازية والطاقة الاستيعابية لمختلف المرافق، تماشياً مع استراتيجية الدولة في خلق التوازن بين الصحة ومختلف القطاعات ودعما للجهود الوطنية لتحقيق التعافي المستدام وعودة الحياة الطبيعية الجديدة مع العودة التدريجية للأنشطة.https://t.co/oxNtsWSFQ1 pic.twitter.com/NGiJvhliS8 — NCEMA UAE (@NCEMAUAE) August 8, 2021 Earlier this year, the NCEMA had made vaccines a mandatory prerequisite to attend events. Read: UAE: Only individuals vaccinated against Covid-19 can attend events On Sunday, it reiterated that the rule will remain in effect. Accordingly, those who have received the Covid-19 vaccine and participants in clinical trials can attend events and exhibitions. However, these individuals should have received their second dose no longer than six months prior. In the case of senior citizens and those with chronic diseases, they should have received their second dose no more than three months prior to attending the event. Additionally, all attendees to such events must present a negative PCR test result taken within 48 hours, with the E letter or gold star displayed in their Alhosn app. The authority also urged establishments to use the ‘green pass’ for certain categories of events and activities to help contain the spread of the virus. The NCEMA said that the latest directives aligns with the UAE’s strategy to strike a balance between maintaining public health and resuming activities in vitals sectors to support efforts to drive sustainable recovery and gradually resume all activities in the UAE, according to news agency WAM. To date, the UAE has administered over 17 million doses of the vaccine, with a distribution rate of 173.03 doses per 100 people. Therefore, 80.50 per cent of its population has received at least one dose of the vaccine, and 72.07 per cent of its population have been fully vaccinated. 15,649 جرعة لقاح #كوفيد19 تم تقديمها خلال الـ24 ساعة الماضية، ليبلغ عدد الجرعات الكلي 17,113,003 بمعدل توزيع 173.03 جرعة لكل 100 شخص. وبنسبة 80.50% لمتلقي الجرعة الأولى، ونسبة 72.07% لمتلقي جرعتين من إجمالي السكان في دولة #الإمارات. #يدا_بيد_نتعافى pic.twitter.com/RhQQJdFRzd — NCEMA UAE (@NCEMAUAE) August 8, 2021 Tags Covid-19 Healthcare National Emergency Crisis and Disasters Management Authority UAE 0 Comments You might also like UAE ranks in top 10 nations with most AI firms per capita UAE’s new Blue Visa: Everything you need to know about it Heriot-Watt University Dubai secures UAE accreditation for undergrad, postgrad programmes G42, Microsoft unveil Responsible AI Foundation