Home Covid-19 UAE reports 403 Covid-19 cases, 679 additional recoveries The death toll in the UAE now stands at 331 by Gulf Business July 12, 2020 The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) in the UAE has reported 403 new Covid-19 cases, as a result of conducting over 58,000 additional tests to screen for the virus. The total number of infections across the country has now risen to 54,453. آخر الإحصائيات حول إصابات فيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد 19) في الإمارات . The latest update of Coronavirus (Covid 19) in the UAE#التزامك_حياتك#ملتزمون_يا_وطن#فيروس_كورونا_المستجد #كوفيد19#وزارة_الصحة_ووقاية_المجتمع_الإمارات#coronavirus#covid19#mohap_uae pic.twitter.com/pNUGrUJrCt — وزارة الصحة ووقاية المجتمع الإماراتية – MOHAP UAE (@mohapuae) July 11, 2020 The ministry also announced the death of one patient as a result of Covid-19 complications, raising the death toll to 331. Meanwhile, an additional 679 individuals have fully recovered from the contagion, bringing the total recoveries to 44,648. Tags Covid-19 Ministry of Health and Prevention pandemic recoveries Tests UAE virus 0 Comments You might also like Emirates Global Aluminium to explore clean energy development in Indonesia UAE’s Fujairah marine fuel sales extend monthly climb UAE ranks in top 10 nations with most AI firms per capita UAE’s new Blue Visa: Everything you need to know about it