Home Covid-19 UAE reports 1,672 Covid-19 cases, 4 deaths The case count in the UAE has risen to 559,291 by Zainab Mansoor May 25, 2021 The UAE’s health ministry has confirmed that a total of 1,672 Covid-19 infections were reported on May 25, raising the overall tally to 559,291. The new infections were detected, following 224,002 tests conducted to screen for the virus. During the last 24 hours, a total of 1,630 patients recovered from the infection, raising the total number of recoveries to 539,161. Meanwhile, with four additional deaths, as many as 1,658 people have succumbed to the infection. “الصحة” تُجري 224,002 فحص ضمن خططها لتوسيع نطاق الفحوصات وتكشف عن 1,672 إصابة جديدة بفيروس #كورونا، و 1,630 حالة شفاء، و 4 حالات وفاة خلال الساعات الـ 24 الماضية.#وام pic.twitter.com/OTCSsfPpM6 — وكالة أنباء الإمارات (@wamnews) May 25, 2021 Tags Covid-19 infections recoveries Tests UAE 0 Comments You might also like Arab Health’s landmark 50th edition officially opens today Hand in Hand: UAE President names 2025 as the ‘Year of Community’ Etihad gauges investor interest as Gulf carriers race towards IPOs GEMS Genius Scholarship programme launches; see details