Ministry of Economy, TDRA set strict rules for telemarketers
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UAE: Ministry of Economy, TDRA impose strict rules, heavy fines to rein in telemarketers

UAE: Ministry of Economy, TDRA impose strict rules, heavy fines to rein in telemarketers

Starting mid-August, telemarketers have to operate within stricter guidelines, including avoiding calling before 9am or after 6pm

Neesha Salian
Ministry of Economy, TRDA impose strict rules, heavy fines to check telemarketers

Tired of fielding calls from telemarketers? Relief is on the horizon. The Ministry of Economy and the Telecommunication and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) have issued a detailed list of regulations aimed at restricting intrusive telemarketing practices.

Starting mid-August, telemarketers have to operate within stricter guidelines, including not calling before 9am or after 6pm. And if you politely decline a product or service during the first call, that company can’t call you back that day.

These new rules are designed to empower consumers and ensure companies respect your time and privacy.

Companies will also need to ask your permission before launching a sales pitch, and they can only call you a maximum of twice a week if you don’t answer or end the call.

Companies that flout the regulations face hefty fines, ranging from warnings to Dh150,000 ($41,000).

Individual telemarketers who use their personal phones for marketing calls can also be penalised, with potential disconnection of their phone service and bans on obtaining telecom services in the UAE.

Consumers have the right to register their phone numbers on a Do Not Call Registry to block marketing calls.

The new regulations also prohibit deceptive or misleading marketing tactics.

The new rules extend beyond phone calls, also covering marketing text messages and social media messages.

Companies will need to use phone numbers registered under their commercial licenses, and they’re required to keep records of all marketing calls made.

Telemarketing firms must also provide comprehensive training for their staff on professional conduct and ethical marketing practices.

There’s good news for those who have already signed up to receive marketing calls. Companies won’t be penalised for contacting you if you’ve previously requested information or consented to receive calls.

Keeping track of telemarketers

The Ministry of Economy, along with the TDRA and other relevant authorities, will be responsible for overseeing the implementation of these new regulations.

These regulations represent a significant shift towards a more consumer-friendly telemarketing landscape in the UAE.

With clear guidelines, hefty fines for violators, and a commitment to consumer privacy, the days of intrusive and unwanted telemarketing calls may soon be a thing of the past.

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