Why UAE businesses must streamline sales through technology
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Why UAE businesses must streamline sales through technology

Why UAE businesses must streamline sales through technology

UAE-based Saphyte provides businesses a software solution using intuitive design, automation and big data to create a competitive edge

Gulf Business

For many businesses across industries, the basic formula to growth is simple: expand your business by gaining more leads, close more deals, and retain those customers over a long period of time. This process allows businesses to make profits, which is what drives most commercial activities these days. But doing all this manually is difficult.

The road to success for many businesses requires the use of trial and error. It is a painful process and requires a huge amount of capital to determine what works and what doesn’t.

Traditionally, businesses have to hire more people to carefully track and monitor each important element in the sales process. This results to higher costs in sales operations, which takes away a large chunk of the profit.

But businesses – small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular – can avoid the costly pitfall of experimentation, according to the sales and marketing management platform Saphyte, a cloud-based CRM solution developed by UAE-based tech solutions provider Loyica.

The company believes that by using big data, smart design and automation, businesses can manage resources more efficiently. Saphyte offers a software solution that lets businesses take full control over the sales process, without the need to hire additional staff. The centralised system provides tools and functionalities that are responsive to the needs of its users.

An intuitive sales management platform

Gathering data from customers online and recording them over a spreadsheet is one thing. But managing this data – from sorting and organising it, to accessing it for use – can be challenging to sales teams over time. The entire process can also get repetitive and mentally draining, which is a problem that management needs to address.

To simplify the entire process, the team behind Saphyte designed the system to gather customer data and information with less manual work. It does this by automating workflows that businesses run on. Saphyte also provides accurate forecasts to help its users make informed, strategic decisions, without the need for manual calculations.

With proper use, the sales management software can boost the effectiveness of an organisation’s sales techniques and speed up its operations, resulting in increased profit overall.

The cost question

But tech services are not without a cost. Some people may argue that software solutions are redundant, unnecessary, and that their prices can be really steep – especially for startups. However, considering the benefits that such solutions provide, that perception is now changing. And there are also numbers to back this up. In a report by IT research firm Nucleus Research, it was estimated that CRMs generate a return of $8.71 per dollar spent. This explains the increasing use of CRMs globally.

With Saphyte, SMEs can reduce the costs of their sales-related operations. Its overall functionality reduces company workload by creating a visual system that allows sales teams to manage their pipelines and deals in just a few clicks. This shortens the sales cycle, permitting the company to secure clients quickly, thereby reducing the threat of competition.

Saphyte also aids sales teams in personalising their services via custom fields provided on the backend, that capture relevant information about the client. A personalised service is proven to encourage future purchases from the client, therefore establishing a loyal customer base.

In the current market situation when companies are focussed on improving efficiencies, Saphyte offers a proven template so that businesses won’t have to take the untested route.


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