

Top stocks in Q2 2024: UAE retail investors choose AI over Big Tech

Amongst the most held stocks, Q2 saw a significant shift in the rankings, with NVIDIA rising to become the second-most popular stock on the eToro platform, behind only Tesla

Saudi approves Moderna vaccine for 12-17 age group

Saudi’s education ministry has said that students over the age of 12 will require to be vaccinated to be admitted back to school

UAE Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine

UAE approves emergency use of Moderna Covid-19 vaccine

Apart from Moderna, the other vaccines currently approved for use within the country are Pfizer-BioNTech, Oxford AstraZeneca, Sputnik V and Sinopharm

Airlines face ‘mission of the century’ in shipping vaccines

UN humanitarian relief agency UNICEF has been recruiting airlines into its vast effort to distribute the vaccine to more than 170 countries

UN recruits 40 airlines to help deliver vaccine to world’s poor

The summons to airlines was triggered by positive late-stage trial results reported by Pfizer and Moderna on two separate vaccines

Moderna Covid vaccine

Moderna’s Covid vaccine found 94.5% effective in early analysis

A first analysis of data from more than 30,000 volunteers showed Moderna’s vaccine prevented virtually all symptomatic cases of Covid-19