#Financial Action Task Force

Turkey presents crypto asset bill as it seeks watchdog upgrade

Turkey presents crypto asset bill as it seeks watchdog upgrade

Countries on the grey list undergo increased monitoring and must actively work with FATF to correct deficiencies

DIFC’s five-year innovation strategy for financial services

UAE’s great grey list escape: A ‘gradual thaw rather than instant spring’

The grey-list exit will increase the international community’s confidence in the country’s financial services sector

UAE exits FATF’s ‘grey list’ amid reforms

An exit from the grey list marks a swift turnaround for the UAE, which was initially added to the list of jurisdictions under increased monitoring in March 2022


Dubai’s VARA fines Three Arrows founders over OPNX crypto project

VARA became aware in February that OPNX was soliciting customers for its platform and collecting personal data

CBUAE issues new AML CFT guidelines

Central Bank of UAE issues new guidelines on anti-money laundering for insurance sector

The guidelines will support licensed financial institutions effectively implement their statutory obligations related to anti-money laundering and combatting the financing of terrorism