Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) announced the launch of third Edition of Tamkeen programme designed to attract fresh Emirati graduates from local and international universities in various academic specialisations.
The programme will enable graduates who have been unemployed for the past three years to pick up the skills needed to be job-ready and qualified to work for RTA. This is after, once they have proven their merits and suitable opening arise.
Participants can register for the programme through the QR Code of the online registration of Tamkeen programme.
“This programme aims to maximise the benefits of graduates’ skills and employ their scientific abilities in various sectors and agencies of RTA to put into practice the skills and knowledge they have acquired at university.
Yousif Al Redha, CEO, Corporate Administration Support Services Sector of RTA said, “Tamkeen, which began in January 2022 and runs until the end of this year, focuses on exceptional and high-demand scientific and administrative specialisations. These include transportation engineering, railway engineering, robotics engineering, infrastructure engineering, mechatronics engineering , transport economics and urban planning.”
“RTA has set certain conditions for joining the programme. The applicant has to be Emirati, males should have completed the national service, and should hold a university degree. The applicant should not have joined any job for three years since graduation, and the major of the applicant should be matching to RTA’s needs,” explained Al Redha.
The launch of the programme is part of RTA’s efforts to realise its strategic goals and objectives, which focus on social responsibility. It also runs other youth empowerment programmes such as the Talented Youth Mobility Programme (Ajyal) and summer internships for university students. These programmes aim to offer youth opportunities to benefit from practical training and promote their skills besides offering a chance to attract talented Emiratis.
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