Home Technology Application New WhatsApp feature: Zuckerberg reveals update The update will be available worldwide in the upcoming weeks by Gulf Business August 24, 2023 Image credit: Getty Images WhatsApp has introduced a new feature that lets users create groups without naming them. Users previously had to name groups before they could initiate conversations within them. Meta‘s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, revealed this update via his Facebook account. This update will be available worldwide in the upcoming weeks. The goal behind this development is to streamline the process of creating WhatsApp groups by automatically assigning names based on the participants in the chat so that users will no longer have to come up with new names. This feature will be particularly convenient for users who need to create groups quickly. However, unlike a typical WhatsApp group that can add up to 1,024 participants, the unnamed groups will be limited to up to six participants, reported TechCrunch. The company confirmed that these groups will be dynamically named based on the users added to a group. The group name will appear differently for each participant, depending on how they have saved contacts on their phone. If you join an unnamed group with people who haven’t saved their contacts, your phone number will be visible in the group name, it reported. Also read: How to send high-definition images on WhatsApp? Tags Application instant messaging social media Technology WhatsApp 0 Comments You might also like AI-powered desktop for $3,000? This is Nvidia’s plan for Project DIGITS MSI unveils AI-powered innovations, next-gen gaming tech at CES 2025 The great GenAI trade-off: Balancing responsiveness with responsibility Zand Bank, Klickl International partner to advance digital finance