Dubai Humanitarian’s Hanan Almarzooqi on leading with purpose
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Dubai Humanitarian’s Hanan Almarzooqi on leading with purpose

Dubai Humanitarian’s Hanan Almarzooqi on leading with purpose

The director of Operations & Humanitarian Initiatives at Dubai Humanitarian shares her journey and the importance of mentorship for Emirati women

Neesha Salian
Dubai Humanitarian’s Hanan Almarzooqi on leading with purpose

In this exclusive interview with Gulf Business, Hanan Almarzooqi, director of Operations & Humanitarian Initiatives at Dubai Humanitarian, shares her career journey, the importance of mentorship for Emirati women, and her aspirations for the next generation of female leaders in the UAE.

Tell us about your career path and your role at Dubai Humanitarian.

Before joining Dubai Humanitarian, I had little understanding of the work being done in the humanitarian sector in Dubai. My knowledge was limited and generic, to say the least. Over the past few years, I’ve come to realise the complexity and scale of the humanitarian space and the significant impact of what we do at Dubai Humanitarian.

My journey began in 2015 when Dubai Humanitarian launched its strategy. I initially joined to contribute to business development and strategic initiatives. Over the past nine years, I’ve engaged in various areas, including partnerships, communications, and ultimately, humanitarian operations.

My role primarily involves overseeing the day-to-day logistics services provided to our community, as well as managing emergencies where we facilitate communication, coordination, and the transport of urgent aid to affected countries.

Read: Why supporting emergency funds is a moral, practical necessity

How are you paving the way for Emirati women, and how do you mentor your peers and women in the community?

Every individual has a unique path, and mine is deeply rooted in dedication and responsibility. I believe in leading by example, particularly in stressful work environments where it’s essential to stay focused on your goals.

When mentoring my peers, I emphasise the importance of dedication and turning challenges into lessons and opportunities. Every woman in our community contributes immense value to the work we do.

In my role, I strive to orchestrate our collective efforts to achieve our objectives. I’m continually impressed by the level of responsibility and dedication women demonstrate, even in the most challenging situations where time and resources are scarce.

What are your aspirations for women in the workforce?

Emirati women are naturally ambitious leaders, a quality our leadership has nurtured in us. I had the privilege of graduating from the Zayed Leadership Program even before earning my degree from Zayed University, and we were well-prepared for the job market.

With ongoing support and empowerment from our leadership, especially from Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, Chairwoman of the General Women’s Union, President of the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, Supreme Chairwoman of the Family Development Foundation and Mother of the Nation, I aspire to see Emirati women excel in all fields and walks of life. I hope they continue to achieve one success after another, setting inspiring examples for younger women both locally and globally, and giving back to the great nation that has always believed in their potential.

How can young Emirati women make a name for themselves in the workplace?

One key lesson I’ve learned on my journey is to embrace every opportunity and make the most of it.

As an Emirati woman, I believe in going beyond merely fulfilling my professional role. I strive to embody a culture and spirit of dedication that reflects how our young nation has earned its place on the global stage.

What message would you like to share with Emirati women?

You have everything you need to conquer any field of work. You are greatly supported and appreciated by our ambitious leadership, and with that support, your only option is success.

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