Home GCC GCC Covid-19 update: Saudi reports 1,687 cases, nine deaths Since the outbreak, Saudi Arabia has reported the highest number of cases in the GCC with 31,938 infections by Zainab Mansoor May 6, 2020 Follow us Follow on Google News Follow on Facebook Follow on Instagram Follow on X Follow on LinkedIn The Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia took to Twitter to announce 1,687 new Covid-19 cases in the kingdom, spiking the total number of infections to 31,938. The ministry also confirmed nine additional deaths, bringing the tally of Covid-19 induced fatalities to 209. With 1,352 additional recoveries, a total of 6,783 people have now overcome the infection across the country. #الصحة تعلن عن تسجيل (1687) حالة إصابة جديدة بفيروس #كورونا الجديد (كوفيد19)، وتسجيل (9) حالات وفيات رحمهم الله، وتسجيل (1352) حالة تعافي ليصبح إجمالي عدد الحالات المتعافية (6783) حالة ولله الحمد. pic.twitter.com/jNuXsJX7RC — و ز ا ر ة ا لـ صـ حـ ة السعودية (@SaudiMOH) May 6, 2020 Oman The sultanate has announced a total of 168 new coronavirus cases, spiking the total infections to 2,903. Of the newly diagnosed cases, 41 were Omani nationals while the rest were expatriates. As many as 13 people have died due to the virus while 888 people are said to have fully recovered. وزارة الصحة تعلن عن تسجيل (168) حالة إصابة جديدة بمرض فيروس كورونا #كوفيد١٩، منها (41) حالة لعمانيين، (127) حالة لغير عمانيين وبذلك يصبح العدد الكلّي للحالات المسجلة في السلطنة (2903) وعدد الوفيات (13) وتود الوزارة التأكيد أن (888) حالة قد تماثلت للشفاء — وكالة الأنباء العمانية (@OmanNewsAgency) May 6, 2020 Bahrain As of May 5, 10pm local time, Bahrain had a total of 1,950 active Covid-19 cases, of whom only one is said to be in a critical condition. Kuwait The Ministry of Health in Kuwait has registered 485 additional Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours, raising the tally to 6,289 , Kuwait News Agency reported. Two additional deaths were reported, spiking the death toll to 42. Coronavirus update#KUNA #KUWAIT pic.twitter.com/mP7xSJKeIH — Kuwait News Agency – English Feed (@kuna_en) May 6, 2020 A total of 88 patients are in the intensive care unit. Qatar The Ministry of Public Health announced 830 new confirmed cases of Covid-19, and 146 recoveries in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of recovered cases in Qatar to 2,070. Since the outbreak, as many as 17,972 people in the country have contracted the Covid-19 virus. 0 Comments