Dubai adds 1,343 new food outlets in 2021
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Dubai adds 1,343 new food outlets in 2021

Dubai adds 1,343 new food outlets in 2021

A total of 76,195 inspections of food establishments were carried out in the emirate last year


Dubai has registered 1,343 new food establishments in 2021.

The number of inspections increased by 12 per cent compared to 2020, with the Dubai Municipality’s Food Safety Department carrying out 76,195 inspections of food establishments in the emirate last year.

The number of communications received by the Municipality Call Centre totaled 4,961 last year, translating into an average of 13 reports received per day due to violations related to public safety and non-compliance with Covid-19 precautionary measures.

The municipality has monitored a great level of commitment by food establishments to abide by the procedures that it has set, in terms of public safety measures, Sultan Al Taher, director of Food Safety Department at Dubai Municipality, said.

This is due to the increase in campaigns and awareness visits carried out by the department. The municipality was keen to intensify its daily inspection campaigns, and that inspectors dealt with violations with strict procedures without complacency, he added.

Al Taher noted that the inspectors are working on calibrating temperature control devices and thermometer in the food establishments, as well as ensuring food is provided and received from an approved source with the relevant documents and appropriate equipment, devices and space.


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