Delma Exchange picks BIOS Middle East for cloud hosting
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Delma Exchange picks BIOS Middle East for cloud hosting

Delma Exchange picks BIOS Middle East for cloud hosting

Delma Exchange turns IT Infrastructure from CAPEX to OPEX

data centre

UAE-based Delma Exchange has completed the migration of its infrastructure to the cloud. The foreign exchange provider will have its infrastructure hosted by BIOS Middle East, a managed service and cloud provider with its headquarters in Dubai, UAE.

Delma Exchange operated in a ‘local to local and decentralised” IT infrastructure environment. With the Financial industry going through significant digital transformation, these legacy systems left the business exposed to inefficiencies, security risk and scalability issues.

Delma Exchange then began a multiyear IT strategy program, with an all-out cloud migration a key milestone in this process.

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“The world of IT is changing rapidly and to stay competitive and ahead, we needed to have robust technologies, applications and infrastructure,” said Anirudha Biswas, head of IT, Delma Exchange.

“This migration project allowed us to centralise IT management and monitoring, standardise multiple processes, and enhance IT security framework. We are now able to deploy a more agile application and implement a faster pace with our digital transformation journey,” he added.

With scattered IT systems, data centres and support systems, Delma Exchange faced multiple costs and overheads. A major benefit of moving to a managed cloud is the ability to consume IT Infrastructure as an operational cost as opposed to capital expenditure.

“Financial services customers expect modern technological capabilities. Strategic positioning through superior technology is critical for continued success. We are happy BIOS was able to help Delma Exchange innovate in the cloud. We are confident they will experience the myriad of benefits this cloud migration and business continuity project will bring them,” said Dominic Docherty, managing director, BIOS Middle East.


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