Dear Dawn… Week 10 – Stressed!
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Dear Dawn… Week 10 – Stressed!

Dear Dawn… Week 10 – Stressed!

The Gulf Business agony aunt is back for the tenth professional query in the series.

Gulf Business

Dawn is back once more to answer your work-related problems, and this week the question is:

Dear Dawn,

I’ve recently been promoted and I’m loving the new job but there seems to be so much more work than before and I’m getting stressed.

Not enough time!

What are your thoughts on the subject? How can this person deal with the stresses of added work and increased responsibility?

We await your feedback and hope to initiate a debate with you.

Join the discussion on our LinkedIn and Twitter pages.

Send your questions for Dawn anonymously to [email protected] and see them answered here next time.

Dawn Metcalfe is the managing director of Performance Development Services (PDS). Find out more at


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