Home Covid-19 Covid-19 update: UAE reports 632 cases, 705 recoveries The total number of recorded cases has risen to 729,518 by Zainab Mansoor September 13, 2021 The UAE’s Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) has reported 632 new Covid-19 cases on September 13, raising the total number of recorded cases to 729,518. The new infections were detected, following 314,018 tests conducted across the country to screen for the virus. The health ministry also reported 705 recoveries, increasing the total number of recovered patients to 720,653. Meanwhile, two additional deaths due to Covid-19-related complications were also announced, scaling the death toll to 2,064. آخر الإحصائيات حول إصابات فيروس كوفيد 19 في الإمارات The latest update of Coronavirus (Covid 19) in the UAE#نلتزم_لننتصر #التزامك_حياتك#ملتزمون_يا_وطن#كوفيد19#وزارة_الصحة_ووقاية_المجتمع_الإمارات#we_commit_until_we_succeed #covid19#mohap_uae pic.twitter.com/rL0X17nWwM — وزارة الصحة ووقاية المجتمع – MOHAP UAE (@mohapuae) September 13, 2021 Tags Covid-19 infections recoveries Tests UAE 0 Comments You might also like Arab Health’s landmark 50th edition officially opens today Hand in Hand: UAE President names 2025 as the ‘Year of Community’ Etihad gauges investor interest as Gulf carriers race towards IPOs GEMS Genius Scholarship programme launches; see details