Home GCC Bahrain awarded $4.1bn worth of contracts in 2020 Covid-19 response sees Ministry of Health spending almost tripled compared to 2019 by David Ndichu March 17, 2021 Bahrain government awarded 1,688 tenders worth $4.1bn in 2020 compared to $4.8bn in 2019, a 1.46 per cent drop YoY. According to new data released by the Bahrain Tender Board – the country’s government procurement regulator, the oil sector led with 228 tenders worth $1.6bn (BHD598.1m). In second place was the construction and engineering industry with 317 tenders worth a combined $875.7m (BHD330.1m). This kingdom has a pipeline of ongoing infrastructure projects valued at some $32bn. The aviation, materials and equipment, and services sectors saw a total of $638.2m (BHD240.6m), $606.1m (BHD228.5m) and $424.8m (BHD160.1m) worth of tenders awarded respectively. While bringing up the rear in terms of value of contracts, the services sector was awarded the highest number of contracts, at 599. Read: Trade between UAE, GCC worth Dhs229bn in 2019 The Ministry of Health (MoH) saw a sizeable increase over last year – in terms of both number of tenders issued and value of tenders. In 2019 the MoH awarded 93 tenders, valued at some $123.8m (BHD46.7m). In 2020 the MoH awarded 137 tenders valued at $298.1m (BHD112.4m) – a near threefold increase in value. This surge in spending is attributed to the kingdom’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic, including investment in a track and trace app, testing, vaccinations, hospital robots, car park conversions to hospitals and more. A record number of tenders were awarded to the SME sector during 2020, worth a total of $145.4m (BHD54.96m). “[The year] 2020 has proven one of the most challenging and unpredictable years globally for businesses in all sectors across the board,” said Shaikh Nayef bin Khalid Al Khalifa Chairman of the Tender Board. “Despite these less than friendly conditions, throughout the year, Bahrain has awarded an impressive 1,688 contracts valued at well over $4bn.” Tags Bahrain Bahrain Tender Board Tenders 0 Comments You might also like Bahrain’s GDP grows by 2.1% in Q3 2024, boosted by non-oil sector ADFD invests Dhs23bn in 33 projects in Bahrain Bahrain’s ATME aims transforming regional markets with asset tokenisation Bahrain’s new domestic minimum top-up tax: What it means for multinationals