Families in the UAE have been advised against evening gatherings between different households during Ramadan, officials in the UAE said on Tuesday.
The UAE’s National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA) said in a series of tweets that families must refrain from visiting one another during Ramadan and avoid distributing and exchanging meals during this period. It added that only members of the same family living in the same house could share meals.
The NCEMA said that it is not allowed to create family or institutional Iftar tents, share meals in public places or provide and distribute Iftar meals in front of homes and mosques. Those interested in doing so, must coordinate with charities, with donations and zakat done electronically.
Read: Covid-19: All Ramadan tent permits in Dubai are cancelled
Restaurants are also prohibited from distributing iftar meals inside or in front of the restaurant, and their delivery of it is limited to labour housing complexes via direct coordination with the management of labour housing in each region, taking social distancing into account.
Tarawih prayers meanwhile will be held according to Covid-19 precautionary measures.
Iftar meals are not allowed inside mosques, and the duration of the Isha and Tarawih prayers will be limited to a maximum of 30 minutes.
Mosques will be closed immediately after the prayer, while women’s prayer areas will remain closed.
As for Qiyam-ul-layl, during the last ten days of Ramadan, the status of the pandemic in the country will be continuously assessed, and the measures will be updated in accordance with new developments.
Religious lessons and meetings in mosques will remain suspended, with the option of participating virtually. The NCEMA said that it was encouraging the reading of the Quran through smart devices, and using electronic means for donations and zakat.
It said that intensive inspection campaigns will be carried out during Ramadan, and legal measures will be taken against all violators, whether individuals or institutions.
The elderly and people with chronic conditions have also been advised to avoid gatherings of any kind during Ramadan.