AI and jobs: The ethical question that companies face
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AI and jobs: The ethical question that companies face

AI and jobs: The ethical question that companies face

As businesses implement AI, questions arise on the future of their workforce. Should they replace human employees with technology? A recently opened Microsoft AI Business School outlines how companies can approach the topic of AI and ethics

Gulf Business
Human Technology Connection

In the past, the transition to the world of ‘artificial intelligence’ (AI) was typically envisioned as one that would see robots taking control over humans. With the advent of the technology, while the implementation has been gradual, the question of control is still an important one that many companies now face.

The benefits of automation are expected to be substantial – a study by PwC estimated that AI, robotics and other forms of ‘smart automation’ could contribute up to 14 per cent to global GDP by 2030, equivalent to around $15 trillion. But these technologies could also lead to disruption, with a global PwC survey finding that 37 per cent of workers were worried about the possibility of losing their jobs due to automation.

When addressing issues around technology replacing human workforce, every company has a different approach. Ethics, responsibility differs from business, their location and their region. However, companies like Microsoft encourage their stakeholders to define their ethical principles and enable them to implement governance and tools to make those principles a reality.

AI has been integrated across several business functions across industries. However, organisations will further invest in AI, making it imperative that innovation is guided by a responsible AI strategy.

According to Microsoft, ethical AI should be based on common principles such as fairness, reliability, safety, privacy, security, and inclusiveness, and underscored through transparency and accountability.

The company, which set up its AI Business School a year ago to help leaders and organisations better grasp the potential of the technology, also has a module on responsible AI.

The school delivers free online course materials including video lectures and sessions moderated by experts within the AI field lending their perspective on various dimensions of AI, spanning from ethics and recent advances in the field to cautionary tales around its use and applications across various verticals within companies.

To know more about the course offering and for additional information on the Microsoft AI Business School, click here –  


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