Home UAE Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi launches new Covid-19 contact tracing system Via a virtual chat, those infected with Covid-19 will be asked to list the people they came into contact with 48 hours before the positive result was detected by Varun Godinho July 4, 2021 Follow us Follow on Google News Follow on Facebook Follow on Instagram Follow on X Follow on LinkedIn The Abu Dhabi Public Health Centre (ADPHC) in collaboration with the Abu Dhabi Department of Health (DOH) has launched a new contact tracing mechanism, touted to be the region’s first investigation and contact tracing system. It operates via a virtual chat carried out with those who have been positively identified with Covid-19 infections. Once a patient has been detected with Covid-19, the system will automatically send them an SMS with a link for the virtual chat. After verification of his\her Emirates ID, the person will proceed by answering specific questions to complete the process. The system is available only in Arabic and English. It will ask for a list of possible contacts 48 hours before the positive result. The information obtained will be considered confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside the investigation team. In addition, the centre’s team will review the data entered and make any necessary calls to complete missing or unclear information. أطلق مركز أبوظبي للصحة العامة “المساعد الافتراضي للتقصي الوبائي” ضمن الجهود المبذولة لحماية صحة وسلامة المجتمع. فبمجرد أن يستلم شخص ما نتيجة فحص كوفيد-19 إيجابية، يسارع المساعد الافتراضي بإرسال رسالة نصية إليه بها رابط ينقله إلى دردشة الكترونية، يحصل من خلالها على أجوبة لأسئلته. pic.twitter.com/WFEmtbmB4t — مكتب أبوظبي الإعلامي (@admediaoffice) July 2, 2021 The system will allows the investigation team to gather necessary information, such as who is returning from abroad, or who has recently come in contact with a positive case, in order to expand the investigation process. Abdulla bin Mohamed Al Hamed, chairman of DOH, said: “Abu Dhabi has led by example and used advanced technology in tracing virus transmission. “The new Contact Tracing Assistant System will help in controlling the transmission and ensure the health and safety of all members of the community.” Matar Al Nuaimi, director-general of ADPHC, added the new collaborative system will contribute toward better communication with patients and possible contacts, and take the appropriate preventative measures towards each case. In related developments, starting Friday, August 20, 2021, entry to a number of places in the emirate including shopping centres, restaurants, cafes, resorts, museums and theme parks, will be permitted only to those who have received their Covid-19 vaccine. An exceptions will be made for children aged 15 and under, and those with vaccination exemption certificates. Read: Abu Dhabi: Only vaccinated individuals will be allowed to enter most public places Officials from the emirate has also recently denied media reports that it is offering free Covid-19 vaccines for tourists. It said that in addition to residents and citizens, free Covid-19 vaccines were available to “everyone with an expired residency visa or expired entry visa, which does not include holders of valid tourist or visit visas”. Read also: Abu Dhabi clarifies that free Covid-19 vaccines will not be given to tourists Tags Abu Dhabi Contact Tracing Covid-19 Healthcare News 0 Comments You might also like Etihad is now looking to launch its $1bn IPO next month – report How Dubai Healthcare City is enabling innovation in the sector Akasa Air’s new routes: Airline links 2 more Indian cities to Abu Dhabi Healthcare facility management: Engie Solutions’ Graham Easton shares key insights