Dear Dawn… Week 5 – Ready For A Change?
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Dear Dawn… Week 5 – Ready For A Change?

Dear Dawn… Week 5 – Ready For A Change?

The Gulf Business agony aunt is back to answer the fifth professional query in the series.

Gulf Business

“The short answer is “LinkedIn is not Facebook for grownups”. Companies and recruiters use it and there is now such critical mass that it is hard to make an argument for not having at least a basic profile in place.” That was some of the advice Gulf Business agony aunt Dawn gave to ‘LinkedIn Sceptic’ in the fourth episode of Dear Dawn.

Dawn is back once more to answer your work-related problems, and this week the question is:

Dear Dawn,

I’ve been in my current role for 3 years. I make good money, work for a nice enough company and don’t actively dislike any of my colleagues. But I am bored. I get contacted by search companies every so often – should I start listening to what they tell me?


Ready for a Change?

What is your opinion on the subject? Should ‘Ready for a Change’ start looking for new employment elsewhere? Or are they foolish to risk leaving a secure job where they’ve built good relationships?

We await your feedback and hope to initiate a debate with you.

Join the discussion on our LinkedIn and Twitter pages.

Send your questions for Dawn anonymously to [email protected] and see them answered here next time.

Dawn Metcalfe is the managing director of Performance Development Services (PDS). Find out more at


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