Charging electric vehicles in Dubai: What you need to know
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Charging electric vehicles in Dubai: What you need to know

Charging electric vehicles in Dubai: What you need to know

There are about 400 electric vehicle charging stations in Dubai

Image credit: Getty Images

Electric vehicles have recently taken over Dubai’s roads in a big way.

However, charging this eco-friendly transportation might be a task because of the location and the processes involved in charging the electric vehicles.

There are about 400 electric vehicle charging stations in Dubai, which can charge about 740 electric vehicles simultaneously.

Electric vehicle charging account

The very first step towards charging your electric vehicle is to have an EV (electric vehicle) account with DEWA. The users can log in to the account with their user ID or even a UAE Pass.

The ones who prefer to use the service in the guest mode need not register for the service.

How to charge your electric vehicle

Dubai residents driving electric vehicles, who have an EV account as well as the ones not registered with the DEWA EV account service, can charge their cars by scanning the QR codes on DEWA Green Charger stations.

These charging stations are available across Dubai.

The registered customers can also charge their vehicles using the EV Green Charger Card that can be received from DEWA.

Electric Vehicle Account holders can use the following ways to charge their vehicles:-

1- By using the DEWA smart app

While using the DEWA Smart App, the customers need to
• Scan the QR code on the EV Green Charger station
• On being directed to the charger details page, they would have to log in to their Online User ID or the UAEPass
• Lastly, select their EV account and follow the instructions that appear on the page to charge their vehicle

2- By using the smart device cameras

• The customers need to scan the QR code on the EV charger station from their smart device cameras, to be directed to the green charger details page
• This is where they need to log into their DEWA Online ID or the UAE Pass
• Select their respective EV to follow instructions and charge their vehicles

What EV Green Charger Card holders need to do

The EV Green Charger Card holders need to scan their card on the card reader placed on the station and follow the appearing instructions to charge their vehicle.

Not registered with the DEWA EV account service? Here’s what customers can do

1- Use the DEWA smart app

  • The customers need to scan the QR code on the charging station, by using the smart app to be directed to the Green Charger details page
  • They need to ‘continue as guest’ from there to get to the login page.
  • Fill in their details next and verify their emails to select the charging package
  • Lastly, they can make the payment based on the consumption, once the charging has been completed.

2- Use the smart device camera

  • The users must scan the QR code on the charging stations and get to the details page
  • They will have to fill in the form to use the Guest Mode service, verify their email, and select the preferred package
  • Lastly, make the payments as per the consumption


Security deposit

  • Individuals: Dhs500
  • Business (commercial): Dhs500
  • Government: Exempted from security deposit

Delivery charges:

• Individuals: Dhs20/-(With VAT)
• Business Dhs20/- (With VAT)
• Government: Dhs20/-(With VAT)

Consumption fees:

For individuals, businesses, and government officials

  • AC charging: Dh0.7/kWh + VAT
  • DC charging: Dh1.2/kWh + VAT

How soon can you start charging your vehicle after buying it

  • 1 hour after completing the registration process
  • EV Green Charger Card: Delivered within three days of registration
  • EV guest mode users: Immediately
Sl No Charger Type Charger capacity


Charging package
Estimated charging

package fees(VAT 5%)

1 WALLBOX/PUBLIC 22 30 8.09
2 WALLBOX/PUBLIC 22 60 16.17
3 WALLBOX/PUBLIC 22 90 24.26
4 WALLBOX/PUBLIC 22 120 32.34
5 Fast Charger50-AC (43 kW) 43 30 15.80
6 Fast Charger50-AC (43 kW) 43 60 31.61
7 Fast Charger 50 kW DC 50 30 31.50
8 Fast Charger 50 kW DC 50 60 63.00
9 Ultra-Fast Charger 150 kW DC 150 30 94.50

(With inputs from the DEWA Website)

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