ENOC To Complete $142m Oil Terminal By End-2013
The oil storage terminal, with a storage capacity of over 141,000 cubic metres, will have a direct pipeline connection with the Dubai airport.

Horizon Terminals Limited(HTL), a wholly owned subsidiary of Dubai’s Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC), announced that its new oil terminal in Jebel Ali is on track for expected completion by end-2013.
The $142 million bulk liquid petroleum terminal has a storage capacity of over 141,000 cubic metres and is fully automated. It will have facilities to receive jet fuel from marine tankers and from the adjacent ENOC-owned refinery, and tanker truck loading facilities connected to oil tanker berths.
The project also features a 60 km jet fuel pipeline that links the terminal directly to the Dubai International Airport. The pipeline is being developed with the “highest safety and capacity standards” and will also have a branch-off connection to Dubai’s new Al Maktoum International Airport, ENOC said in a statement.
Yusr Sultan, managing director of Terminals at HTL said: “With Dubai recording significant growth in its aviation sector, the new terminal has a strategic role to play in further strengthening operational efficiencies through assured jet fuel supply.
“It is equipped to meet the growing demand for jet fuel, in tune with the Dubai International Airport’s growth.”
ENOC is the single largest supplier of jet fuel at the Dubai International Airport and stated that it has the capability to supply more than 70 airports in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific regions.
Most of the jet fuel is sourced from ENOC’s refinery in Jebel Ali, which is operating at its full capacity of 120,000 bbls/day. The company is in the process of undertaking a debottlenecking project that is expected to increase capacity to 140,000 bbls/day.
ENOC’s HTL unit, created in 2003, provides terminal services for bulk liquids storage and logistics services. It currently manages more than five million CBM of storage with a network of nine terminals located in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Morocco, Djibouti, and Singapore.
“HTL aims to become the largest independent terminal service provider in the bulk oil storage in the Middle East, Africa and the Mediterranean,” the statement added.