Home Covid-19 GCC Covid-19 update: UAE reports 271 cases; 2,429 infections registered in Saudi The death toll in Saudi Arabia and the UAE has risen to 2,523 and 340 respectively by Zainab Mansoor July 20, 2020 UAE The Ministry of Health and Prevention has reported a total of 271 new Covid-19 cases and 352 additional recoveries on July 20. The newly diagnosed cases were confirmed as a result of 27,000 tests conducted to screen for the virus. The total infection count stands at 57,193, while the total recoveries tally 49,621. With one additional reported death, the fatality toll has now risen to 340. آخر الإحصائيات حول إصابات فيروس كوفيد 19 في الإمارات . The latest update of Coronavirus (Covid 19) in the UAE#التزامك_حياتك#ملتزمون_يا_وطن#فيروس_كورونا_المستجد #كوفيد19#وزارة_الصحة_ووقاية_المجتمع_الإمارات#coronavirus#covid19#mohap_uae pic.twitter.com/JRhiI5D4fL — وزارة الصحة ووقاية المجتمع الإماراتية – MOHAP UAE (@mohapuae) July 20, 2020 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia has registered 2,429 Covid-19 infections, 37 deaths and 5,524 recoveries. Of the newly diagnosed cases, Jeddah reported the highest number with 254 infections. The death toll now stands at 2,523, while the infection count has risen to 253,349. #الصحة تعلن عن تسجيل (2429) حالة إصابة جديدة بفيروس #كورونا الجديد (كوفيد19)، وتسجيل (37) حالات وفيات رحمهم الله، وتسجيل (5524) حالة تعافي ليصبح إجمالي عدد الحالات المتعافية (203,259) حالة ولله الحمد. pic.twitter.com/kTHNERtl7X — و ز ا ر ة ا لـ صـ حـ ة السعودية (@SaudiMOH) July 20, 2020 Oman The Ministry of Health reported a total of 1,739 Covid-19 infections, of which 1,514 were Omanis. It also confirmed eight additional Covid-19 related demises, raising the death toll to 326. The total infection count stands at 68,400. #Statement No. 144 July 20, 2020. pic.twitter.com/e8oiqxwRsS — وزارة الصحة – عُمان (@OmaniMOH) July 20, 2020 Kuwait A total of 559 Covid-19 infections were registered in Kuwait, raising the count to 59,763. The death toll remain unchanged at 408, Kuwait News Agency reported. Qatar The Ministry of Public Health has reported 389 infections and two deaths in the past 24 hours. آخر مستجدات فيروس كورونا في قطر Latest update on Coronavirus in Qatar#سلامتك_هي_سلامتي #YourSafetyIsMySafety pic.twitter.com/JLfYg85zmk — وزارة الصحة العامة (@MOPHQatar) July 20, 2020 Tags Bahrain Covid-19 GCC Healthcare infections Kuwait Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia UAE 0 Comments You might also like How M42 is redefining healthcare through AI, digital innovation PIF-owned Folk Maritime focused on driving regional trade, says CEO Chemist Warehouse’s Priyash Paray shares insights on wellness retail trends Arab Health sends Emirati students to NASA to mark 50th anniversary