How to rebrand a successful business
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How to rebrand a successful business

How to rebrand a successful business

Sajith Ansar offers 10 key points to consider when rebranding your business

Gulf Business

Competing on price and quality will never be a game changer in today’s dynamically evolving global market.

Businesses are looking to create a brand that speaks their story, expounding their unique selling points to the market while providing a visual depiction of their offering to help consumers emotionally connect with them.

Here are seven ways you can stand out from the crowd and draw people close to your brand.

Know your USP and differentiate clearly

The first step in the branding process is to know your strengths and understand what sets you apart in your market. It is essential to evaluate and see what attributes have built your success. The DNA of your company has to be positioned in your brand communication and conveyed through the visual language to your prospective consumers.

Involve the full team

Rebranding is an immense opportunity to install change management within the organisation. The ambitious goals and expectations of the company have to be communicated to the team while it undergoes a facelift.

The process is a catalyst to gear the entire team towards the next innings of the organisation. It always helps to involve the team in the initial briefing, brainstorming and presentations so they can be a part of the rejuvenation of the organisation.

Speak to customers

During the rebranding process, it always helps to speak to your customers and key clients to see what they think of you and your company. Ask them what keywords come to mind when they describe you, why they do business with you and what they feel is the DNA of your organisation.

Branding is not just about a logo

Most companies make the mistake of thinking that a brand is a logo. It is not. A brand is the voice and soul of an organisation allowing you to emotionally connect with your key stakeholders. A brand is a sum total of all the interactions with your business. Besides the visual aspects, your customer service, tone of voice, product or service and even small elements all add up to reinforce your brand values.

Think 10 years ahead

If a firm manufactures food packaging, creates a brand that reflects this and later diversifies into logistics, the new brand will be irrelevant. This example shows that while going through a rebranding process, it is paramount to project the company 10 years ahead and think of expansion plans, diversification, acquisitions, geographies and even your exit strategy so that the new brand stays relevant.

Work with professionals

Many companies make the mistake of working with a freelancer, a relative or even the printer to save costs. In many cases this usually turns out to be a disaster, producing a purely visual depiction rather than a strategic one. An experienced branding expert will bring years of experience and play a large role as a strategist, spending time understanding the business’ vision, competition, benchmarks, limitations and marketing plan before they go to the drawing board.

Celebrate and announce your new avatar

When the rebranding is done and ready for a roll out, it is a great marketing opportunity to connect with old customers, prospects and other stakeholders. Reacquaint them with the new look and share the new vision for the company’s future. It builds newfound confidence and respect, translating into business in the near future.

Guidelines exist for a reason

After the branding is done and the initial roll out is achieved, many companies make a mess by tinkering and changing the look. Leaving it open to interpretation or trying to make shortcuts will diffuse the impact of the brand. Make sure the DNA is respected and visual guidelines are adhered to.

Do not see branding as an expense but an investment

A company’s brand is one of its single most valuable assets. A thought out brand strategy can redefine a company’s image which over the years converts into orders and goodwill, setting it apart from the competition.

Be ambitious

A rebranding process is a great opportunity to think big and envision the future with lofty goals and aspirations. It is the right time for a company to recognise its qualities and its value to customers, serving as a reminder that it can compete with and even outrun its competitors. Ensure your brand embraces this ambition and represents the image accordingly.

Sajith Ansar is founder and chief executive office of Idea Spice


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